Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 1: Food Blog

I didn't take a picture of my breakfast (and by that I mean it's on my brother's phone.. he's sitting in the next room it's 2:30 in the morning and he just yelled at me for calling because he's sleeping) ANYWAYS, <-- this is what I had for lunch. I was NOT happy the first day I work as an assistant and my boss was running a networking event that night and had to help run it.. I came in very cranky.. Not sure if it was because I was getting my period.. the job is starting to annoy me, I had 2 interviews the next day, or the cleanse. I believe it was the stress of everything. But yes, here are my meals and he looks as good as it tasted! So delicious and healthy.

Luckily my mom told me she was making salmon so I didn't even have to cook =) Although it was annoying that when I came home I was STARVING ... I had to watch everyone drink and eat penne ala vodka. Not happy about it. But I'm happy I waited I got home and enjoyed this meal... AFTER I took my supplements like a good girl and waited. I like talking the supplements at home I feel awkward walking into a bathroom or something and putting oxygen drops in my mouth but I guess I'll have to once I get a full time job..anyways, on the day 2!

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