Friday, February 8, 2013

Day 2

Greek Yogurt and Oatmeal

Day 2 was easier especially because I had off. I actually didn't even finish my oatmeal so I had a piece of toast instead. I am just making little substitutions here and there nothing too major.

Greek Salad with Chicken
The Greek Salad was simple also I actually made a bomb dressing( I'll post recipe tomorrow) It was a recipe from the book I received and I didn't even need to buy anything extra! Awesome. One thing that does annoy me about the cleanse is they don't have enough replacement options.. I don't have time to take all this stuff when I'm not off.. but I'm making it work with what I have.

Black Beans, Tortilla, Brown rice, salsa, guac
I literally get so hungry but dinner I don't know why. Another thing I love about this diet is it teaches you that SO much eating is emotional eating.. or just eating out of boredom.. I literally always do that and now that I'm not I really believe it's going to change my life.

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